31 August 2022

New Banking Details

Hi all

Effective immediately - the Group will be operating from the following bank account:

Account Name: 1st Coburg Scout Group

Bank and Branch: National Australia Bank 330 Collins Street

BSB: 083-004

Account Number: 44-423-1686

All payments will need to be made to the above account moving forward. There is no action needed from this message - but more FYI as we are winding down our CBA account after many years. 

In making this change, committee have retired the old cheque book, so moving forward our payments will be done by EFT using a two to authorise process that can be done remotely. In time we will be implementing PAYID functionality to allow for faster payments.  

The change will allow for remote payment approvals to be made by committee and to streamline our processes to move away from paper and pen. We were unable to progress without a change of bank as CBA did not allow for remote payment and authorisation processes.

Any questions, please reach out to the committee.

Yours in Scouting
