Hi everyone
I have been waiting for so long to be able to type this email 😊
Cubs are back to face to face gatherings this Thursday from 7pm at the hall. The cub leaders are finalising some fun COVIDSafe activities for our first face to face meeting since March.
Like all things in our community, there are some restrictions and changes. We ask that you read this carefully before coming down to the hall and ask that you please follow these instructions and obey any requests from Leaders and Committee members as we reopen and refine face to face Scouting in a COVIDSafe way.
The below information is a summary of steps from the
Scouts Victoria COVIDSafe Plan.
- We are able to conduct outdoor Scout activities
outside around the hall. Larger groups will be split into small
groups limited to 10
participants, in addition to those who are reasonably required
to run the activity such as Leaders, Adult Helpers, Rostered Parents and
Carers, etc.
- There will be a Section
COVIDSafe Champion at all gatherings who will help by overseeing and guiding
everyone on COVIDSafe processes.
- If your child is
unwell please keep them at home, especially if they have cold or flu-like
- If you or any
member of your household have been directed to self-isolate, or are
awaiting a COVID-19 test result, STAY AT HOME until you have been given
the all clear.
- The
hall is closed but can be accessed to use toilets.
- All youth members and adults are
required to sanitise hands upon arrival, during activities and prior to
- A record of people who have attended
each activity (Leaders, youth members, parent helpers etc) will be kept.
- If you arrive
early for drop off or pick up, stay in your car as we are required to
register all people who stay for 15 minutes or longer with our gatherings.
Cub Leaders will not be accepting kids before 6:55pm
- Please encourage your children not to
shake hands or hug others.
- Face coverings are to be worn by
those 12 years and older. Whilst there is no requirement for those
under 12 years to wear a face covering it is highly recommended. Masks
for youth members are to be provided by parents/guardians
- Equipment used during activities will
be sanitised before, during and after use.
- Bathroom facilities in the hall can
be used and will be cleaned before and after gatherings.
- Frequently touched surfaces will be
cleaned throughout the activity.
- Adults must continue to practice
physical distancing requirements wherever possible between other adults
and youth members.
- All attendees must bring their own
drink bottles filled at home.
- If the activity involves food, all
attendees will be asked to bring their own food in a container, just like
at school.
If somebody becomes unwell at Scouts:
- If somebody becomes unwell at Scouts
they will need to return home.
- If they show signs of COVID-19
symptoms, especially fever:
- They will be
Isolated from the rest of the group until they are able to return home
- If the unwell
person is a youth member the Leader in Charge will contact their
parent/guardian immediately
- Leaders will call
000 if the condition becomes serious, such as difficulty in breathing
- The person should
self-isolate and be tested for COVID-19
- The person or
their parent/guardian should call the COVID-19 hotline on 1800 675 398 or
contact their GP
If you have any questions or concerns,
please contact the Group via email at 1stcoburgscoutsgroup@gmail.com
Once again we are all excited
to be able to meet in person after 8 months of Zoom meetings.