31 October 2015

Cubs & Scouts End of Year break-up BBQ Friday 11 December 2015 from 7pm

Hello all.

The annual End of Year Break-up BBQ for Cubs, Scouts, Leaders and their families is on again!

What better way to end the year with a BBQ and a few drinks together while the kids have fun in the Scout Hall and surrounding parklands!

There will be cordial, water and tea/coffee available, however no alcohol will be sold at the function.  Please BYO.

Cubs and Scouts will each receive a small gift to help build their kit.

Please RSVP by 1 December to paulie.ferrari@bigpond.com with numbers and any dietary requirements.

Kris Kringle
If you would like to join in this event, please purchase a gift ($10 max please) , wrap it and place a tag on it with the gender of the recipient on it and bring it with you on the night (please do not leave in the hall beforehand). These will be handed out on the night.

As in past years we are looking for donations of items to make up small hampers to raffle on the night.  If you have anything you wish to donate, please drop them in the tubs that will be on the counter in the hall during Scout and Cub nights.

Feeling culinary?
We alwyas welcome helpers with the offer to cook, prep or just help out before and on the day. Please let me know (paulie.ferrari@bigpond.com)if you can help out or bring a plate (salads always go well).

We hope to see you all there for a great night together!


17 October 2015

Parent's Committee Meeting Thursday 22 October at 7pm - all parents welcome

Hello all.

The 1st Coburg Scouts Parent's Committee is meeting this Thursday night at 7pm at the Scout Hall.

All parents are welcome to join the meeting and contribute to the running of our great little Group.

At this meeting we commence planning for the end of year activities before Christmas break. We welcome ideas and assistance to make this annual event a memorable one for our kids.

We are also trialling teleconferencing for the first time, so if you cannot make it in person use the following dial in deatils and instuctions:

1. Dial 03 88461000
2. When prompted, press 1 to attend
3. Enter Meeting ID 20983854
4. Record your name
Then follow prompts to join the meeting.

Any technical issues, please call me on 0403 812 215.

I look forward to seeing as many of you all at the meeting.


Paul Ferrari
Parent's Committee President
1st Coburg Scouts